Energia Plus. Nowe zjawiska na rynku energii
Martin Kastner
Project Manager
Energievision Frankenwald e.V.
I'm from Northern Bavaria/Germany and was born in 1981. I studied "Geography" on diploma with specialization on economical and regional development. Since 2010 I'm working for the non profit organisation "Energievision Frankenwald e.V." which develops concepts and regional projects of renewable energy production by the participation of public and civic partners here in Bavaria. Especially since 2013 our organisation is in close contact with the environmental foundation "Euronatur" - seated in Bonn - that is active in Podlasie for about 25 years. Now the Energievision is part of their advisory project "Resource-efficient regional development in Podlasie" financed by the German Federal Ministry of Environment which also sets the focus on renewable energy production by the involvment of local partners in Podlasie.
Bierze udział w sesjach:
Energia Plus. Nowe zjawiska na rynku energii
- Ekspansja sprzedaży pakietowej. Pakiety cenowe i produktowe
- Prosument jako klient kompleksowy. Jego potrzeby a oferta energetyki
- Usługi zarządzania popytem na moc
- Magazynowanie energii i elektromobilność
- Zmiany na rynku ciepła. Energetyczne wykorzystanie odpadów
- Klastry energetyczne: lokalna moce OZE na lokalne potrzeby. Tańsza energia