Foreign direct investments (FDIs) in Poland

Alfio Mancani
Italian Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Poland, Italy
Alfio advises in projects involving foreign direct investment in Poland. He also provides day-to-day advice on corporate matters and on company law. He has extensive experience in advising on Polish-Italian relations in investments carried out by Italian companies in Poland, particularly in the real estate, construction and life sciences sectors. In elections held in April 2015, Alfio was elected member of the Com.It.Es. (Committee of Italians Abroad) at the Consulate of the Republic of Italy in Warsaw and currently holds the position of secretary.
Participates in the sessions:
Foreign direct investments (FDIs) in Poland
- Factors determining the location of FDIs in Poland
- Eastern Poland in the eyes of foreign investors
- Relations between local authorities and foreign investors
- Cultural differences, formal legal issues, tax system
- Prospects of FDI inflow to Poland
- Experience of foreign investors