Labour market

Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska
Division of Managerial Economics, Faculty of Engineering Management
Białystok University of Technology
Dr Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska graduated from Management Faculty of the Bialystok University of Technology and the Warsaw School of Economics. In 2009, she got PhD in humanities in political science from the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw.
She is employed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering Management at the Bialystok University of Technology, where she holds the position of Vice Dean for Education since 2016.
Scientific interests include issues related to the labour economics in terms of determinants and methods of measuring the efficiency of Public Employment Services as well as labour market policy in the European Union.
She was the head of the research activity "Efficiency of public employment services in Poland - real and desirable state" under the grant awarded by NSC.
She was the head of research teams of projects in the field of labour economics.
Among others, she led the team under the project Podlaskie otwarte na młodych, which was realized by Voivodeship Labour Office in Bialystok in partnership with the Bialystok University of Technology, within the framework of the 2nd Priority Axis Effective public policies for the labour market, economy and education of Operational Program Knowledge Education Development.
In addition, she coordinated research on the Reasons for differentiation of county labour markets in Podlaskie voivodeship carried out at the request of the Voivodeship Labour Office in Bialystok.
She is an expert of The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development to evaluate applications for Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, in the financial perspective for 2014-2020 (research field: labour market including legislation).
She cooperates with Polish and foreign research institutes (Polish Economic Institute, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)).
She conducts classes at numerous foreign universities (Denmark, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Georgia, Armenia).
Participates in the sessions:
Labour market
- Challenges of today's labour market – new professions, new technologies, demography
- Professions in demand – who is missing on the labour market in Eastern Poland
- Vocational training as a response to the needs of the labour market. Employers’ expectations and involvement
- Flexibility on the labour market as a response to changes – a fashionable trend or a necessity?
- Labour code and new migration policies – when will new solutions be implemented?
- Employment offices in the new market reality. Their role in Eastern Poland