IT Sector – Silicon Forest

Jarosław Antychowicz
Chairman of the Board
Infinity Group
Since 2004 CEO at Infinity Group sp. z o.o., an interactive agency, one of the best companies in Poland providing Digital Transformation services for customers from all over the world. Socially involved in many local initiatives, he continuously supports young people’s development in various areas. He was appointed to perform the function of Vice President at Eastern Arbitration Court, he is also a Member of the Council at Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Being an initiator of the InfoTech Technology Cluster reactivation he co-founded the first programming technical college in Poland - INFOTECH. One of the main creators of changes in the perception of Podlasie region in respect of Poland and Europe.
Participates in the sessions:
IT Sector – Silicon Forest
- ICT sector in development strategies and economic reality of Eastern Poland
- Achievements and emerging IT centres in the macroregion of Eastern Poland
- Conditions to develop the sector. What are the expectations of the IT sector?
- A system of local and central support. Investors, incubators, accelerators, clusters and technological parks
- “Silicon Forest” as an example of comprehensive efforts to develop an environment for creative business based on IT technologies