Family businesses

Wiesława Burnos
Member of the Board of the Podlaskie Voivodeship
Marshal’s Office of the Podlaskie Voivodeship
Has a legal and geodetic education. She is an authorized surveyor and graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Bialystok.
For almost 40 years she has also worked in local government administration in the Podlaskie Office of Geodesy and Agricultural Areas District Branch in Sokółka, as the main specialist in the Municipal Office in Sokółka in the Department of Municipal Management, Agriculture and Geodesy in the Poviat Office in Sokółka, where since 2016 she has been the director of the Department of Environmental Protection and Architecture.
Mrs Burnos is a social and enviromental activist involved in humanitarian aid.
Participates in the sessions:
Family businesses
- Time for the new generation. Business facing changes
- The process of handing over power in family businesses. Hazards and risks
- The law that supports succession. Proven solutions?
- Succession scenarios. New models of management. The role of external investors
- Specific features of family businesses and attracting new personnel